Canadian-based portrait and travel photographer, specializing in digital media and advertising. Driven by the desire to tell stories through visuals, his focus turns ordinary life into the extraordinary. Vince began exploring his talents as a creative from an early age, later dedicating his secondary education on digital media including, Graphic Design, Visual Arts, and Creative Communication—introducing him into a career of photography and advertising.
16 years experience operating digital camera and video equipment
16 years experience with colour correction, editing, blemish removal, photo manipulation
16 years experience using Adobe software — Lightroom, Photoshop, and Premiere Pro
3-time award-winning photographer, recognized by 500px for Editors’ Choice Award
Published artist, featured by several digital media agencies, including Sony, 500px, Art of Visuals, LADbible, Travel Manitoba, Travel Alberta, and Explore Canada
Available for hire worldwide—prospective clients please, email: